Natural Resources internships are now full! All submissions for Natural Resources will be added to our waitlist. Please consider a Clean-Tech internship in a field like green manufacturing, sustainable energy systems, and other positions within an environmental sector.

Financial supports your apprentices should know about!

We understand that financial challenges can be a roadblock for apprentices. By encouraging them to take advantage of the financial aids available to them, you’re not only helping them succeed but also empowering them to focus on their skills and growth without monetary distractions.

We are pleased to share with you several funding opportunities available for apprentices.

Key federal supports for apprentices:

  1. Canada Apprentice Loan:
    Apprentices can receive up to $4,000 in interest-free loans for each period of technical training. This financial assistance can be used for tuition, tools, equipment, living expenses, and more.
  2. Apprenticeship Incentive and Completion Grants:
    Federal grants up to $4,000 are available to motivate apprentices to finish their training in Red Seal trades, with specific amounts allocated at various apprenticeship stages.
  3. Employment Insurance (EI) for Apprentices:
    Should an apprentice face unemployment during technical training, EI benefits can provide necessary financial support.
  4. Tax Deductions and Credits for Apprentices:
    To reduce the financial load, the federal government offers tax credits and deductions for tools, tuition fees, and other educational expenses like textbooks.

You can find additional supports for apprentices that are specific to your province or territory:

By informing your apprentices about these supports, you’re helping them reach their goals and finish their apprenticeships. You’re also ensuring that the time and resources you invest in training them yield substantial returns.

For Moniz Contracting, Career Launcher Apprenticeships is a win-win.

The program has provided tremendous support to our workforce development goals. Without it, I wouldn’t have been able to bring the apprentice on board at this time. She has been a highly beneficial addition to our team.” – Ian Moniz, Owner, Moniz Contracting

In a landscape where the skilled trades sector faces a labour shortage and braces for a wave of retirements, Career Launcher Apprenticeships, funded by the Government of Canada, emerges as an innovative solution. Moniz Contracting, situated in Sorrento, BC, serves as a prime example of how this program positively impacts businesses in the trades.

The company received significant support from the program, with a $10,000 payout upon hiring a new female apprentice. This money, Moniz acknowledged, was crucial. “The funding was instrumental in the success of our apprenticeship program, allowing us to bring on an additional employee while covering training costs,” he remarked.

Moniz’s endorsement of the program is clear. “Absolutely, I would highly recommend it,” he asserted. “Career Launcher Apprenticeships is a fantastic initiative that not only benefits businesses but also provides invaluable opportunities for individuals to learn and grow in their chosen field. It’s a win-win situation.”

At Moniz Contracting, the win-win dynamic of the program is evident. Within just two months, their new apprentice was contributing significantly, gaining hands-on experience with power tools and acquiring specialized skills in electrical wiring and general construction.

Moniz’s experience highlights how Career Launcher Apprenticeships strategically addresses labour shortages by incentivizing businesses to invest in training new talent and by enhancing diversity in the trades. By enrolling, construction and manufacturing businesses receive $5,000 for each new apprentice they hire, with an increased incentive of $10,000 if the apprentice belongs to a group traditionally underrepresented in the trades. Impressively, more than half of new apprentices hired through the program belong to one of these groups, highlighting its tangible impact.

There’s still time! As we continue to witness the positive outcomes of the program, we encourage more businesses to participate, taking advantage of these incentives to ensure a strong, resilient, and diverse workforce for the years to come.

Building Tomorrow – Collaboration Strategies for a Skilled Future in Construction

On November 29th at The Buildings Show at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, a panel of experts engaged in a thought-provoking dialogue moderated by Lilit Simonyan, Manager of Career Launcher Apprenticeships. The panelists discussed challenges in the construction sector and proposed practical solutions, emphasizing the important collaboration between education, industry, and government in shaping a skilled and diverse workforce.

Manny Neves, the host of The Construction Life podcast, shared insights drawn from over 500 interviews to highlight the crucial role of mentorship in retaining apprentices and cultivating a dedicated and skilled workforce. Keaton Ambrose, a representative from Chandos Construction, introduced the concept of employee ownership to foster engagement. He highlighted the importance of investing in individuals, creating a culture that not only values its workforce but also empowers them to contribute to the company’s success.

Candace Miller, the Executive Director of Business Development at Fanshawe College, discussed the significant role post-secondary institutions play in meeting labour shortages. She called for stronger links between education and industry to ensure graduates are job-ready. Danielle Palombi, representing Magna School for Skilled Trades, advocated for initiatives to encourage more women to pursue careers in trades. Palombi highlighted the importance of flexible programming, targeted outreach, and mental health supports to create a more inclusive and diverse workforce.

Aaron Boland, owner of Expert Plumbing & Drains Inc., addressed the challenges of attracting and retaining diverse apprentices. He emphasized in-house education and dispelling stereotypes as key strategies. Additionally, Manny Neves and Aaron Bolad discussed the positive impact of government-funded programs on training and hiring.

In conclusion, the panelists provided valuable insights into the construction industry’s future and highlighted a collective goal: to cultivate a skilled and diverse workforce. This requires a unified approach across sectors that supports mentorship, investment in people, bridging education and industry gaps, and challenging stereotypes.

Building bridges: Embracing diversity in mentorship!

A question we often encounter is, “How do I get my journeyperson to mentor a new apprentice whose experience differs from their own?” It’s a valid concern, and we’re here to shed light on the power of inclusive mentorship.

Let’s dive into some strategies that can foster a positive mentorship dynamic and create a more harmonious and inclusive work environment.

Emphasize shared goals.

When approaching your journeyperson, communicate the benefits of mentoring an apprentice with a different background. Emphasize shared goals, such as professional growth, skill development, or project success. By highlighting the collective vision, you can foster a sense of camaraderie and purpose.

Recognize expertise.

Celebrate journeypersons’ achievements as mentors and acknowledge their experience and expertise in their craft. By recognizing their mastery, you instill a sense of pride and validation, making them more receptive to guiding an apprentice from a different background.

Value diversity of perspective.

Emphasize the benefits of diversity in the workplace. Showcase how diverse perspectives and experiences can enrich the team and lead to innovative solutions.

Encourage open dialogue.

Create an environment where open dialogue is welcomed. Encourage the journeyperson and apprentice to share their experiences and learn from one another. This exchange of knowledge promotes mutual understanding and empathy.

In our shared mission to create a dynamic and inclusive workforce, inclusive mentorship plays a pivotal role. By implementing these strategies, you’ll unlock the potential for growth and harmony within your team.

Mastering the Art of Job Ads: How to Attract Top Talent to Your Business

Are you ready to elevate your hiring strategy? In this blog post, we delve into the art of crafting compelling job advertisements. A well-written job ad is more than a list of requirements – it’s a window into your organization’s unique culture and values. By the end of this post, you’ll have actionable tips that will help you attract the right candidates to your team.

Why a Good Job Ad Matters

A compelling job ad does more than just fill an opening. It generates excitement and interest among potential candidates. It’s not just about finding someone with the right skills; it’s about attracting individuals who resonate with your company’s vision and values.

Tips to Sell Your Opportunity:

  1. Craft an accurate job title: The job title should reflect the essence of the role. Clarity and straightforwardness will attract candidates who are the perfect fit for your needs.
  2. Vivid job description: Clearly outline responsibilities and expectations. Use descriptive language to highlight the role’s impact and growth opportunities. Show the value of joining your team!
  3. Highlight benefits: Beyond salary, emphasize perks like professional development, a supportive work environment, and employee benefits.
  4. Set reasonable requirements: Focus on essential qualifications to encourage a diverse pool of applicants. Avoid overloading your ad with unnecessary prerequisites.
  5. Simplify the application process: Ensure the process is user-friendly with clear instructions.
  6. Use inclusive language: Emphasize your commitment to diversity and inclusivity with gender-neutral language.
  7. Showcase your company culture: Give candidates a glimpse of your brand’s personality and work environment, helping them see themselves as part of your team.

Sample Job Ad for Inspiration

Download our sample job ad tailored for the construction sector and use these tips to adapt it to your business needs.

Sample job ad

Crafting an effective job ad is a crucial step in attracting top talent. Remember, it’s not just about the role; it’s about how the role fits into the larger picture of your company culture.

If you have any questions or need further support, feel free to reach out to our team at We’re here to help you succeed in your recruitment efforts!

Boost your bottom line: The financial advantages of hiring apprentices

Want to maximize profits and build a stronger team? Take advantage of apprenticeships! Beyond their enthusiasm and fresh perspectives, apprentices offer financial benefits that can drive your business’ growth. In this post, we look at the tangible advantages of hiring apprentices and how they can positively impact your bottom line.

Cost-Efficient Workforce: Save on Labour Costs

Hiring apprentices is a cost-effective solution for building a skilled workforce. Their wages are generally lower than experienced employees, allowing you to save on labour costs while investing in future talent.

Wage Subsidies and Incentives: Capitalize on Financial Support

Participating in programs like Career Launcher Apprenticeships opens doors to attractive wage subsidies and incentives. Get $5,000 when you hire a new apprentice and up to $10,000 for candidates from underrepresented groups in the trades.

Increased Productivity: Grow with Skilled Talent

As your apprentices develop their skills, they contribute more to your organization’s productivity. By nurturing their growth, you’re building a team of skilled professionals who can deliver high-quality work.

Long-Term Loyalty: Foster Lasting Employee Relationships

Apprentices often demonstrate loyalty to the employers who invested in their training and development. By fostering a supportive environment, you’re more likely to retain these valuable team members for the long haul.

Customized Training: Align with Your Business Goals

Tailor apprenticeship training programs to meet your specific business needs. You can shape the skills of your apprentices, aligning them with your company’s goals and objectives.

Reduced Recruitment Costs: Benefit from a Local Talent Pool

Apprenticeship programs reduce the need for costly external recruitment. As you nurture local talent, you’ll find a steady pipeline of skilled workers to choose from, saving time and resources.


The financial advantages of hiring apprentices are clear and impactful. From cost savings to enhanced productivity and loyalty, apprentices can be a key part of driving your business towards lasting success. If you’re interested in taking the next step and tapping into these benefits, contact us at

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