Lyndsay MacWilliams

Lyndsay MacWilliams is a Source Watershed Monitoring and Restoration Intern at Winter River – Tracadie Bay Watershed Association located in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. The internship lies within the Clean Tech stream which is Funded by Environment and Climate Change Canada as part of their Science Horizons Youth Internship Programof the Career Launcher Internship Program.

Her work revolves around data collection of water quality and quantity metrics, and restoration activities to improve water quantity and quality within the watershed, which is the source of most of the water used by the City of Charlottetown. She is also developing her abilities in grant application, brush mat building as well as skills to build other natural infrastructure.

At Winter River, she is learning, researching, and exploring beyond watershed management activities including gathering outdoor field knowledge with help from mentors and a supportive team. The Career Launcher Internship Program is proving to be a worthwhile professional experience, reigniting her passion in environmental sciences that was dampened by the pandemic.

Interview Questions

  1. What was a problem or task that you were assigned at work and how did you overcome it?
    • I have been assigned a lot of new things at work. Now with the work from home routine due to the pandemic, I am working on applying for grants or funding. I have never really had any experience in that so when my boss asked me to do that, I was nervous and hesitant to express my own ideas and thoughts. As I went on, I told myself, ‘Lyndsay you’re just learning, you don’t have to know everything and its okay to be wrong, give feedback and receive feedback from somebody else.’ So, for me to overcome the obstacle that it is okay to just learn and receive honest feedback from my boss about what is going well and what is not, was a learning experience. Believing in myself and communicating with my seniors helped me in overcoming the challenge. This entire process helped me to become more confident about myself.
  2. One tip you could give employers on how they should onboard their intern.
    • My onboarding experience was a good one. Due to the pandemic restrictions, there were some roadblocks, but it was managed well. I knew my position and I was familiar with the people I was working with. I really think that employers, when they are doing onboarding with a new intern, it is important, if possible, to offer in-person and field training for the intern to shadow and ask questions. It helps the employers and the intern get comfortable. My supervisors and coordinator did that well during my onboarding. For my first day, I was able to go to the office and attend an orientation session that helped me know about the organization and its policies, the work area, and what was expected of employees and interns. I was also able to shadow my boss in water monitoring activities. While I am working from home now, I communicate frequently with her. The initial in-person interaction started the process of us communicating back and forth with much ease.
  3. Did the internship make you feel prepared from school/academics to the professional space?
    • I was able to participate in different activities and acquire new skills beyond water monitoring. Within the environmental field, it is important to get outdoor field experience. So, I have a lot to add to my resume. Whenever I do decide to move away from Winter River, I feel the internship has broadened my horizon and realize there is so much more out there.
  4. How inclusive is the workplace or the team?
    • I do find it is inclusive. There are students and youth who work with Winter River during summer and fall and have diverse backgrounds, e.g., engineering, psychology, biology etc. It is interesting to have different thought processes in the work and be appreciative of everyone’s contribution. I was shy and reserved at the beginning but felt respected and appreciated. The morale of the team is high, which is reflected in the team spirit.
    • At present the organization has a woman-dominated crew but is working towards having a more diverse composition.
  5. Are there any new skills that you developed/are developing while you are at the worksite and what are they?
    • I acquired skills related to assessments – water quality, water quantity and general. I learned to create MathBrush infrastructure. I am now well-versed in grant writing.
  6. How will your work during the internship make a difference to the community?
    • The Winter River watershed is a source of water for the City of Charlottetown. Water monitoring activities related to quality and quantity are essential. The tasks performed by me with the team will help the organization in its consultations with the City of Charlottetown about the ecosystem, regulations etc.
  7. What are your thoughts about women and girls working and researching in the field of science?
    • I am happy about the growing number of women and girls in science. In the field of environmental sciences, it is hard, both physically and mentally, but rewarding. I feel empowered to be a part of this community and to be able to leave a mark on the world.
  8. How did the Career Launcher Internship Program encourage you to begin/ grow a career in science?
    • I have had short-term jobs before the internship. When the pandemic happened and there was uncertainty everywhere, I started to feel discouraged and questioned by career choices. The internship reignited my passion and encouraged me to stay on my path. I am enjoying my current role at Winter River where I can learn, research, and explore.

Gareth Gransaull

Gareth Gransaull is employed as an Associate Director at Re_Generation headquartered in Ontario. The internship lies within the ImpAct program stream, funded by Employment and Social Development Canada, and implemented via Career Launcher.

In this experience, he had a high degree of creative autonomy in driving the development of several major projects, in helping oversee the management of 18 volunteers and part-time staff, and participating in a strategic rebranding and the launch of a new website for the organization that will host a variety of new youth empowerment tools. He enjoyed being able to adopt a leadership role for such high-impact initiatives, and he is grateful to have had the opportunity to work on projects of his choosing aimed towards systemic change.

During this internship, he led several main initiatives such as overseeing a policy campaign to work with key legislators for regulations related to sustainable finance in Canada, where he helped to initiate and manage a strategic rebranding of the organization. He singlehandedly wrote a 150-page ‘Transition Toolkit’ intended for companies (and activists within companies) to advocate for more ambitious social and environmental initiatives within their organizations. He also helped expand the team to 20 total individuals, and aided in the general management of the organization in partnership with Executive Director, Maxime Lakat.

The funding from the Career Launcher program helped him in mobilizing resources and turn his passion into a full-time career. The internship provided him with the avenue to network extensively and build relations. He feels that his learning curve has been a high one. Though he has managed organizations previously, but this is the largest one and it came with its challenges. He has been able to take up these challenges and has been involved in working to create a brand, getting more people involved to build capacity, and securing support from the community to co-create the vision.

Interview Questions

  1. What was a problem or task that you were assigned at work and how did you overcome it?
    • As a volunteer organization, we have an ambitious goal to expand our operations and impact. We recently launched a new website and are in the process of developing and leading a public advocacy team. The objective to build and run an organization can sometimes seem overwhelming for someone like me in a managerial role. But I was able to take up this challenge and have been working to create a brand, getting more people involved to build capacity, and securing support from the community to co-create the vision.
  2. One tip you could give employers on how they should onboard their intern.
    • The most important thing is to make new employees or interns feel a part of the community. As an intern, you can feel out of place with a new employer, or the tasks may seem mundane. Employers (or managers) should create a sense of vision, connection, and encourage a culture of mentorship and growth. Integrating the intern and making them feel valued is the most important aspect of the onboarding process.
  3. Did the internship make them feel prepared from school/academics to the professional space?
    • The funding from Career Launcher let me transition from working for an organization to building the organization. The internship provided me with the avenue to network extensively and build relations. When opportunities are limitless, there is freedom to do a lot which has facilitated the process of growing a team and organization. The learning curve has been high. It’s a very entrepreneurial thing to do even though it’s a nonprofit organization. Even though I have managed organizations previously, but this is the largest one and it comes with its challenges.
  4. How inclusive is the workplace or the team?
    • We have actively tried to have an inclusive team in the organization. We have a values-contract that members and volunteers sign. We have a Decolonizing Coordinator whose role is to ensure that there is openness and honesty with the space to ensure that everyone is heard. The Coordinator helps to see that operational programs/projects reflect the diversity. The team is constituted of people from different profiles which is great way to share perspectives and learn from each other. An inclusive team or workplace is a key factor to serve the public as widely as possible.
  5. Are there any new skills that you developed/are developing while you are at the worksite and what are they?
    • As a result of my work, I was able to build relations and network extensively. This aspect is highly important for a youth organization to be taken seriously in the social impact space. We have been good at doing that so far and have networked with other organizations, thinktanks etc. and collaborated as well.
    • I have also learned to oversee individual and multiple teams, and how they cohere in respect to the organization. This also means I have a lot of ongoing projects and the need to balance them together.
    • On an individual level, I have become more confident in terms of putting myself out there in sharing ideas and understanding there is a demand for the work we do at Re_Generation. I learned that my voice matters and it’s a useful perspective to have.
  6. How will your work with Re_Generation make a difference to the community?
    • The work done at Re_Generation will positively impact the community in the following three broad ways:
      • Reimaging schools: changing curricula and working with professors to understand………
      • Repurposing careers: collaborate in interdisciplinary ways, a lot of people have prestige culture
      • Remodeling companies: helping people advocate in the organization, clean and just transitions, put forward a vision that is ethical. As part of this we have a policy advocacy team with a regulatory mechanism to help the sector.
    • The website has a suite of tools and other interesting reading resources (RE-Generation)
  7. How did the Career Launcher internship program encourage you to begin/ grow a career?
    • Career Launcher helped me turn my hobby into vocation. The funding from the program helped in mobilizing resources and evolve my passion into a full-time career. It has been an incredible experience so far, particularly the last six months where the response from the community has been huge.

Blessing Tshimungu

Blessing Tshimungu is interning as a Youth Social Worker at From the Heart Church Ministries of Edmonton located in Edmonton, Alberta. The internship lies within the ImpAct stream, funded by Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) and implemented via the Career Launcher Internship Program.

Her scope of work lies within the Special Needs Education sector of the organization where she can interact and work with people who are not her age, come from diverse backgrounds and possess different thought processes. The internship is giving her the opportunity to network and learn about the nuances of professional communication. She is happy to share a close bond with her coworkers who cultivate a safe and comfortable work environment.

She has had the opportunity to share her experiences with many aspiring interns where she encourages them to grow professionally and personally. The Career Launcher Internship Program provided her with directions and helped her to understand what she wanted to do for the rest of her life.

Interview Questions

  1. What is your perception of IWD?
    • It a day of love and appreciation for all women and younger girls.
  2. Why do you think it is important to observe IWD?
    • It is important because as women we did not have many rights until a few decades ago. International Women’s Day is an important reminder of where we came from and who we are today.
  3. What was a problem or task that you were assigned at work and how did you overcome it?
    • I have come across different people at work who are not necessarily of the same wavelength as me and there exist differences in thought processes, way of functioning etc. To overcome barriers in working together, I initiated open communication to arrive at a common goal and understanding.
  4. One tip you could give employers on how they should onboard their intern.
    • Most interns would find it easier to socialize and bond with employees of the organization if there were fun games or icebreakers at the orientation session. It would help with team-building activities.
  5. Did the internship make them feel prepared from school/academics to the professional space?
    • The internship helped me to understand how the outside world works in terms of interacting and working with people who are not my age, come from diverse backgrounds etc.
  6. How inclusive is the workplace or the team?
    • The workplace is like one big family where we are extremely close to each other. The team is comprised of an amazing group of people who are more than coworkers. It is a great environment to be myself, a place where my opinions are welcomed, and I am encouraged to be myself without any fear of judgement.
  7. Are there any new skills that you developed/are developing while you are at the worksite and what are they?
    • I learnt about the nuances of communication such as the timing and content of messaging. I acquired the skill of networking with other professionals via email, telephone etc.
  8. How will your work during the internship make a difference to the community?
    • I feel it will encourage other individuals to get more involved in internships to grow and learn. I get a chance to share my experiences with many aspiring interns where it is enriching to share my journey and encourage them to grow individually and professionally.
  9. Have you come across any negative stereotyping of women at your workplace?
    • There has not been any such incident.
  10. What do you believe can be done to address gender stereotypes in your field?
    • Just as there are seminars and workshops to raise awareness about sexual harassment at workplace, drunk-driving and other social issues, similarly there could more awareness about such negative stereotyping of women at workplaces. These educational sessions could address how people should not cross the line and be aware of women as individuals. It would also be worthwhile to stand up when such instances occur and take a moment to educate the offender about the wrong done.
  11. How did the Career Launcher Internship Program encourage you to begin/ grow a career in the social sector?
    • I am not only an intern but also a businessperson and a woman of colour. After high school I was confused about what I should pursue. This internship provided me with directions and helped me to understand what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.

Ashwani Singla

Ashwani Singla is employed as a Software Develop intern at Drinkfill Beverages Ltd. headquartered in Vancouver, BC. The internship lies within the Clean Tech program stream, funded by Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), and implemented via Career Launcher.

His work in the internship includes developing software that control operational aspects of machines impacting two environment focused projects i.e., zero-waste drinks and zero waste cleaning products. The internship has been an excellent experience and has helped him to understand real-world conditions. He learned how to translate technical language to business language for stakeholder communication. He understood how scalability and business suitability influence coding language selection when software is built. Even though the team did not have many technical personnel, they were happy to collaborate and share insights. People are approachable including the space to share and bounce off ideas with the CEO.

He is happy to have secured this internship with Drinkfill Beverages Ltd. through Career Launcher. He acknowledges that it is difficult to get a job but an internship like this opens opportunities. He has been able to showcase his skills and obtain a verbal job offer with the company. He would recommend this internship to more people as both employers and interns benefit from the experience.

Interview Questions

  1. What was a problem or task that you were assigned at work and how did you overcome it?
    • During my initial time with the company, I was tasked with the responsibility to work on the operational aspect of a software that controlled other machines. I was new to the organization but took up the challenge as a learning experience. I gathered information and communicated with the team and the Chief Executive Officer to develop my understanding and helped resolve the issue.
  2. One tip you could give employers on how they should onboard their intern.
    • The organization should maintain documentation and records of work completed, including what aspects worked and what did not to avoid duplication of work and waste of resources. This would serve as important reference materials for a new employee or intern.
  3. Did the internship make you feel prepared from school/academics to the professional space?
    • The internship has been an excellent experience for me and helped me to understand real-world conditions. At school, projects were mostly academic whereas in the internship, real issues are managed. I learned that course deadlines at school are different from business deadlines. The internship also allowed me to work on relevant projects.
  4. How inclusive is the workplace or the team?
    • Even though the team did not have many technical personnel, they were happy to collaborate and share insights. People are approachable, and in certain situations I had reached out to the CEO to discuss work items. There was space to share and bounce off ideas with the team.
  5. Are there any new skills that you developed/are developing while you are at the worksite and what are they?
    • I learned how to translate technical language to business language for stakeholder communication. I learned how scalability and business suitability influence coding language selection when software is built.
  6. How will your work during the internship make a difference to the community?
    • The organization is working on two environment focused projects i.e., zero-waste drinks and zero waste cleaning products. Currently they are able reduce the use of 800 single use bottles every month. They aim to increase this number to 2000-3000 bottles for the next year. Moreover, through these projects profit sharing is done with the local community.
  7. How did the Career Launcher internship program encourage you to begin/ grow a career in content creation?
    • I am happy to have secured this internship with Drinkfill Beverages Ltd. through Career Launcher. It is hard to get a job but an internship like this opens opportunities. I have been able to showcase my skills and obtain a verbal job offer with the company. I would recommend this internship to more people. Both employers and interns benefit from the experience.

Anna Jessop

Anna Jessop is interning as Project Assistant at Nova Scotia Community College (NSCC) in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The internship lies within the ImpAct program stream, funded by Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC), and implemented via Career Launcher.

NSCC is missioned to grow Nova Scotia’s economy and contribute to the life of Nova Scotians. The projects here are centered around sustainable development goals. Approximately 90% of graduates from NSCC work and live locally, so the projects through the 14 campuses are about making a positive impact on the workforce in rural and urban communities.

When she started working with the organization, she was introduced to the challenging task of generating awareness about NSCC sustainability programs in 14 campuses. She created a poster campaign where she designed resources and posters based on the sustainable development goals and provided context in terms of what the goals would mean in a local perspective, the programs developed by NSCC to address those goals, and quick access resources for people to get more information. She feels her team trusts her and provides ample ground to contribute and learn.

One skill that she acquired from scratch during the internship was graphic design. Coming from a science-driven background, she did not know much graphic design during her undergraduate or graduate degrees. At the internship, there was a need to develop communication materials such as posters, slide decks etc. which she created using different design software.

She has always been interested to work in the field of corporate, and institutional sustainability. The internship has allowed her the opportunity to find that kind of work just when she needed it.

Interview Questions


  1. What was a problem or task that you were assigned at work and how did you overcome it?
    • The organization runs sustainability campaigns but there weren’t many staff members who were aware of it. When I started my work with the organization, I was asked to address this issue. It was a challenging project as staff were geographically spread in 14 NSCC campuses and open communication was essential to generate awareness. One of the things that I did was created a poster campaign where I designed resources and posters based on the sustainable development goals. I described what the goals would mean in a local perspective, the programs developed by NSCC to address those goals, and quick access resources for people to get more information. These materials were posted on the sustainability boards of the 14 campuses for staff and students to read. Another project that I took up was related to SDG goals where I helped to design workshops along with another intern. These workshops focused on creating a resource for staff to support their foundational knowledge of the SDG and bring greater awareness to how the SDG are being advanced across the College. We delivered these materials to a diverse group of staff members in the college.
  2. One tip you could give employers on how they should onboard their intern.
    • Something that helped me when I was new to the organization is shadowing a mentor on the team. Managers are always willing to provide guidance, but their time is limited. In such situations, a team member can prove to be of great support who can answer your questions and show you the ways of the team. Additionally, access to team meeting notes and internal documents can also be beneficial for new employees or interns to know about ongoing and upcoming projects as long as they don’t contain sensitive or confidential information.
  3. Did the internship make them feel prepared from school/academics to the professional space?
    • It definitely did. When I started this program, I had been out of school for a couple of years, building my resume and gathering experiences. But this opportunity has been a valuable journey for me because I was interested in corporate, and institutional sustainability. I always thought that getting an opportunity like this would take time to find. So, I am glad that I was selected for this internship and grow in my field of interest.
  4. How inclusive is the workplace or the team?
    • I work with a small team on a daily basis, but it is very inclusive. They have been really accommodating to me. On a larger scale, there are more than 2000 staff at NSCC so the wider community and culture at the colleges is really inclusive. When I joined the team, they provided an overview of the work, but I had ample ground to contribute and learn. They trusted me with the work that I felt was important.
  5. Are there any new skills that you developed/are developing while you are at the worksite and what are they?
    • One skill that I acquired from scratch was – graphic design. I come from a science-driven background, and I had not come across graphic design during my undergraduate or graduate degrees. When I started in the internship, there was a need to develop communication materials such as posters, slide decks etc. I started to develop these myself using Canva and I feel I am getting better at that. An addition to that would be learning to work in a communications and promotional role.
  6. How will your work with Nova Scotia Community College make a difference to the community?
    • I am really excited about my work at the college. NSCC is missioned to grow Nova Scotia’s economy and contribute to the life of Nova Scotians. The projects here are centered around sustainable development goals. Approximately 90% of graduates from NSCC work and live locally, so the projects through the 14 campuses are about making a positive impact on the workforce, rural and urban An interesting project that I have been working is integrating sustainable literacy and sustainable learning into the curriculum to build student capacity as they transition to the work force. This in turn would make a difference to the province’s economy and accelerate sustainable development. Being able to instill education about sustainable development and the sustainable development goals into the training and outreach that happens in these communities will have very real impacts on those communities. When we mainstream sustainability into our campuses, through the culture and the education and the physical environment. We are preparing our staff and our students to take that with them into the more rural communities and spur systemic changes in those areas. So, I have no doubt that this work that NSCC is taking on will act as an accelerator to developing sustainability in those areas and that is going to have a really positive impact on those people, on their economy and their environment and will lead to more resilient communities.
  7. How did the Career Launcher Internship Program encourage you to begin/ grow a career?
    • I was always interested in working in the field of corporate, and institutional sustainability. The internship has allowed me the opportunity to find that kind of work just when I needed it. I think this will definitely have benefits going forward in terms of my learning and growth.

Ahmed Yassir

Ahmed Yassir is employed as a Marketing and Communications Support intern at Cooperative de la récolte de chez nous limitée in Dieppe, New Brunswick. The internship lies within the ImpAct program stream, funded by Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC), and implemented via Career Launcher.

The organization’s main mission is to promote farmers and producers from the South-eastern New-Brunswick region. His work in the internship included creation of marketing plans related to the organization and its activities. He applied what he learned in college, as well as what his colleagues helped him with. The workplace was respectful and friendly with the opportunity to collaborate with colleagues from different countries. From the marketing aspect, he learned about targeting potential customers, and segmentations. This experience helped him immensely in his initial effort in the professional world and starting his marketing career.

He feels that he was provided with all the resources that he needed to succeed in the position. He believes the Career Launcher internship program gives the employer visibility about the candidate and assures a good follow up.

Interview Questions

  1. What was a problem or task that you were assigned at work and how did you overcome it?
    • Create a Marketing plan related to the organization and its activities.I applied what I learned in college, as well as what my colleagues helped me with.
  2. One tip you could give employers on how they should onboard their intern.
    • Employers should make the transition from academic to professional space easy for the candidate.
  3. Did the internship make them feel prepared from school/academics to the professional space?
    • Yes.
  4. How inclusive is the workplace or the team?
    • The workplace was very respectful and friendly. Also, I have worked with colleagues from different countries.
  5. Are there any new skills that you developed/are developing while you are at the worksite and what are they?
    • Yes. From the Marketing side, targeting potential customers, and segmentations.
  6. How will your work with Cooperative de la récolte de chez nous limitée make a difference to the community?
    • The organization’s main mission is to promote farmers and producers from the South-eastern New-Brunswick region.
  7. How did the Career Launcher internship program encourage you to begin/ grow a career in marketing?
    • This experience helped me a lot with my first steps into the professional world and starting my Marketing career. I feel like I was given all that I need to succeed in the position. The Career Launcher internship program also gives the employer visibility about the candidate and assures a good follow up.

Manager, Selo Gardens Personal Care Home

“Having an extra set of hands in a busy work environment – to sit with the residents, to help with preparations for meals, and portering residents – always gives our staff more time. They were a huge asset to our facility.”

– Elo Eloho Igho-Osagie, Student

My work placement was a rewarding experience and I learned so much. The program is appealing for those who want to make an impact in the lives of others.

– Bunmi Oni, Student

The SCA program provides an excellent learning experience. It has helped me achieve my short-term career goal and is a platform to work towards my long-term goal. I have recommended the program to a lot of people.

– Madison Smith, Student

I have always wanted to work in health care and this program and work placement allowed me to get my foot in the door.

Jean Louis

Working with CICan to get a Digital Tech Intern in our company has been an enormous help to us. We were able to expand our team’s capabilities and take on additional projects as a result of having the technical resource on-staff. The grant offered by CICan significantly de-risked the process of hiring a recent graduate with minimal experience. Our intern has been fantastic and has been very quick to learn new skills on the job and become a solid contributor within our team.

Hammad Khan

An internship is a truly valuable and worthwhile use of your time. It opens doors to interact with people from all sort of disciplines and backgrounds which in turn develops you as an individual. Working with Plotly, which creates open-source software, I was able to learn and work with so many talented individuals, and it all comes together when you see researchers, academics, and industry professionals using tools that you contributed to developing. It’s a truly worthwhile endeavor and I would wholly recommend it to any grad

Melody Sizer

Knowing every day that I’m using my experience in biology to help find sustainable ways to grow food, and working alongside other like-minded researchers, makes it a fulfilling and exciting work environment” says Melody Sizer, Research Assistant working for the Research and Development team. 

Dr. Elaine Leung

“Colleges and Institutes Canada’s Career-Launcher Internships program have enabled Sea Smart to grow our team and deepen our impact by hiring qualified interns who we would not have been able to hire without this critical funding. We are so grateful to Colleges and Institutes Canada for their generous support and also increasing employment opportunities for youth. I highly recommend other organizations to apply”

Marc Attallah

“This has been an excellent experience in supporting an organization that is dedicated to help institutions become better equipped to help their members and stakeholders achieve the SDGs. I have received an offer for a permanent role at IFCL that I am accepting. I am excited to continue my career at IFCL; helping institutions deliver on the SDGs.”

Hannes Rupitsch

We have used this program in the past and have two current employees that were brought into the company as interns. They both will hopefully have long established careers. The Natural Resources Internship program has certainly made it easier for our company to take a small risk by bringing in employees with little to no experience in the industry. The rebate we get helps cover the cost of training and teaching the employee the basic skills needed for a job at our company and their occupation. By bringing employees in early we can invest in them and hopefully have them for 5 or 10 years or longer with the company. 

Megan Hardman

I feel that my internship was a meaningful position where I got to make a real difference in the College. It was very stimulating work that was both fun and challenging. I got to meet many different people within the College and outside in the community. I would recommend a similar experience to other interns because it provides a much greater understanding of how sustainability really works in a post-secondary institution than what you can learn in a classroom. 

Kira MacFarlane

This internship has been an excellent opportunity to bridge the gap between my academic experience and the more technical conservation world. I’ve had a chance to apply the theory and skills which I learned in an academic setting to more practical questions.

Alex Hackett

I would recommend an internship to a fellow grad because not only is it a good learning experience, but having the ability to gain practical work experience in a field in which you hope to be employed, will greatly benefit you in the future. Working this internship has no doubt opened up door for my future, and facilitated a way for me to work in a field I am particularly interested in within the digital sector. 

Michaël Morin

“Excellent opportunity to gain my first work experience in a flexible setting. This first opportunity is often critical in launching a career, and for a recent graduate, the chance to learn a lot while making a major contribution to an exciting industry-related project is ideal.”

Brandon Gordon

I would highly recommend this program to recent graduates, finding work directly out of school can be challenging and many jobs want experience prior to hiring. This internship has provided me with plenty of experience and has led me to another position which will increase my employability.

Brittney Potvin

I would highly recommend employers take part in this program. Youth are tapped into the SDGs and have the knowledge and technical skills that are very valuable to organizations to advance and raise awareness about the goals. There are many young people eager for meaningful work experience and this initiative is a great way for them to get a foot in the door.

Kathleen Blanchard

All current staff members of Intervale have gotten their start through this internship program. If it were not for this program, Intervale would not have been able to provide employment to young people from rural communities of Newfoundland and Labrador.

Siddharth Bhambhani

The program provides a great way to bridge the gap between a fast-growing technology company looking to bring on excellent talent and providing an opportunity to bright, talented, young individuals who are looking to build on their skills in a relevant environment. In doing so, there is a huge benefit to both the employer and the new graduate in being able to learn & develop together.

Geordie Adams

“I think it is a wonderful program to support small companies in making strategic hires that they might not do on their own” 

Tung Huu Le

It has been an amazing time at AXIS. They’re building a suite of connected devices that are designed to save energy, primarily in the commercial sector. The technology we are creating automates window shades in commercial buildings and has been proven to significantly reduce energy consumption. It blocks out the solar heat gained during sunny weather, while harvesting natural daylight during overcast weather. I’m very proud to be a part of this process.

Martyna Tomczynski

Because this internship involves a lot of diverse projects, I’m actually gaining more experience than I would at a single job.

Aurélie Charpentier

It’s really important to me to have a green job; but a job in an area that I’m passionate about, that’s even better.

Kelly Sveinson

Hiring one of our grads is giving us a sense of the high-quality work they are ready to and capable of achieving with the education we provided.

Image of rocket taking off